Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pain, Fluid and Electrolyte Misc.

1.When doing a rapid ABC assessment, which statement is false?
a. The airway is patent when speech is clear and no noise is associated with breathing.
b.Breathing is effective when the skin color is pale and the capillary refill is greater than 2 seconds.
c.If breathing is not effective, consider administering oxygen and placing an assistive device.
d. Circulation is effective when the radial pulse is present and the skin is warm and dry.

When using the mnemonic PQRST to help develop a history, the letter R represents which of the following?
b.Region and radiation

Which of the following statements is false about the patient's chief complaint?
a.It is always the first words out of the patient's mouth.
b. It is a direct quote.
c. It is usually three words or less.
d. It is the main symptom that prompted the patient to seek medical attention.

Which of the following statements is false when trying to develop a method to evaluate a patient's level of pain?
a. One method is to use the words mild, moderate, or severe.
b.One method is to use the scale 0 to 10.
c.The meaning of 10 is not the same for all nurses or all patients.
d.Patients always exaggerate numbers when using the 0-10 scale to make sure they are believed and receive pain medication.

Which of the following statements is false about beta receptors found in the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
a.Beta receptors are sites in the ANS where inhibitory responses occur when adrenergic hormones such as norepinephrine and epinephrine are released.
b.Activation of the beta receptors causes relaxation of the bronchial muscles, an increase in the heart rate, and an increase in the force of cardiac contractions.
c.Beta-blocking agents oppose the excitatory effects of norepinephrine.
d.Beta-blocking agents cause vasodilatation, decreased inotropic effect, and positive chronotropic affect.

A serum K >5.5 mmol/L is defined as:
a. Hypocalcemia

A serum sodium of <135 mmol/L is defined as:
a. Hypercalcemia
b. Hyperkalemia
d. Hypernatremia

Isotonic intravenous fluids are used frequently in the emergency room. Which of the following fluids are considered isotonic?
a. D5 1/2NS and D5LR
b. Ringer's and NS
c. D 1/4 W and 1/2NS
d. D5W and D5NS

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1b, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5d, 6d, 7b, 8c, 9b