Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hi All,
N4 is not having lecture on Tues. so I will be at the tutor center at 0800 on Tues. for anyone that wants to get practice in for your final or just practice tests alone or with a study buddy. I will bring a bunch of NCLEX practice books and laptop for fluids and electrolytes practice and be available for extra help with tutoring for same subject. I will be there until 1200, unless someone needs me at another time. I will also be there on Monday after my lecture ends (at 1045) until Fernisa's study session at 1700. If you want to make sure that I will be there for you, you can call my cell 329-1369 to confirm, or the tutor center at 954-5542.
Look at Richard's post and do just exactly that for right now. It helps to understand why things are moving and causing signs and symptoms rather than just memorizing stuff, but if that's all you have time for now, it's better than nothing.

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

Ok, Ill be there, If you have any advance questions, let me know ahead of time and I can bring more material specifically for your clarification.