Monday, October 24, 2005

Hello everyone!!

Just a reminder for those that are interested...this Thursday at 10 am is the dimensional analysis review with Fern, then at 11 is the NCLEX review question session with Bonnie.

There are many sweatshirts available for those interested...they are 30 for pullovers and 35 for zip-up.

One more thing...I need speakers for the tea so far I have...

Christine Moles welcome and introduction

Mike speaking about PDA'S

Fazia will pass on the blog torch

Robyn will help with graduation letter

and Dan is making the invitations

Chuck will speak on the importance of sitting at the end of the row and speed reading (haha)

ANY ideas on speakers, handouts etc...Send em to my email or talk to me on the break Thursday...later nurses to be


Bonnie Boss said...

Christine, we were supposed to have a powerpoint slide show for you all to see, showing us progressing through N1 and N2 in skills and clinicals. Unfortunately our tech in charge missed the date so you didn't get to see it. It may be possible to see it still,(don't hold me to that). If you haven't considered it, you may want to show a slideshow of your first semester.

Anonymous said...

Yes, actually I am working on that right is a beautiful idea...thank you for thinking of us....:)