Monday, November 07, 2005

All you future nurses you...guys as I spoke about on Thursday, there will be a donation box on top of the desk in lecture this Thursday as well as next Thursday. I would greatly appreciate it if you would each put in $5.00 a piece. Shelba said you all would want to know where the money goes...well Delta Student Nurse Association gave us $50.00 and we have 80-100 people to feed and provide a warm welcome to. If we used $5.00 x 80 students we would have $400.00 which would equal out to about $4.00 per student this is for food, drinks, paper plates, decorations, and 2 carnations for each new you all can see how fast that money can go. I know that we are all poor, and I hate to beg you all, but I can assure you that your money will be well spent and much appreciated. So..thanks in advance. Any questions, please call me, or come on Thursday at 12 in the skills lab...k guys byyyyeeee! ;)


Lisa Stephenson said...

I know this takes time...but have we looked into maybe getting some donations?

Just an idea...

But I would be willing to pay the $.


Anonymous said...


Girl...let me tell you....haha I have begged and pleaded, and have been succesful at most attempts..however alot of places arent willing to really donate, some will give a good discount and stuff but nobody wants to outright give it...whats wrong with America? haha..just kidding. People are being cool for the most part but I have yet to recieve a deal on any type of food...Costco gave us $25.00 so that will help...if you get anybody to donate..please let me know! :)
thanks!!! :)