Saturday, March 03, 2007


Hi, I took it upon myself to sign up for a "" kind of service and have received bids from several hotels. Currently the least expensive is Days Inn on Lombard Street. They are offering $69.00+tax per night on weekdays with up to 4 people per room.....(uh..that's about $20 a night if you have 4 people)....I have requested 10 rooms on this site and at Days Inn there is no deposit and we are not responsible for any unused rooms in the block. I've emailed the Days Inn on Sloat street (the one Kristine mentioned) to see if they will price-match the one on Lombard because it is a lot closer. (I have no idea about areas of SF and which ones are "shady" or not) There are about 15 other bids from other hotels at the moment. I would be happy to make arrangements for any number of people who would like me to--the whole group if need be. Any comments? Any suggestions? Anyone interested?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi I was wondering what nights are the rooms book for? and are there any still available?